- Feb 1, 2005
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- Admin
- #1
Here's a nice surprise for you all, it's that time of the transfer window again.
As you all know, SC relies on your donations to be able to provide a unrivalled coverage of ITK, if it wasn't for you guys, the server would crash left right and centre and we simply couldn't afford to run it without resorting to limiting the number of members or something
We know from previous experience that there's a LOT of you who lurk, one time we had 600 voters participate in a poll.
Six bloody hundred. And that's just the yokes who bothered voting. Whichever way you slice it that's a lot. If everyone slung just three or four quid in the pot we'd be sorted for quite a while, so if you've never donated before, please consider doing so now.
I reckon we've a shedload of lurkmeisters, so come on guys, if you're one of them and you enjoy SC's coverage of the Transfer Window (and lets face it, you do because you're here right?), then please chip in. It doesn't have to be a massive amount.
And if you happen to be a Spurs mad gazzillionaire, cough the fuck up. And if you're Daniel Levy, fucking hell shortstuff, put your hands in your pockets. And get the BSoDL to chip in too.
But A&C, where does the money go?
Outgoings: The server costs £400 per month. Forum software purchases/licenses/misc comes to around £500 a year. So currently, the cost of SC is about £5k a year.
Incomings: Advertising/Affiliates can sometimes cover the costs during the transfer window (January, July, August) but thats sometimes. The rest of the year that falls well short. Its difficult to give an exact figure because the numbers don't stay the same but i'd say £100 a month during the quiet months. Donations during the quiet months come to about £50pm if we're lucky.
Rob will know better than I do, but I reckon we're short by about £2500 a year. And the income from ads is probably down.
If one month we raise more than is needed, it stays in the pot as it won't be long before it IS needed. The shortfall is made up out of Robs pocket. I'll repeat that.......It comes out of his pocket. Think about that for a minute. I reckon he pays an average of £50 a WEEK. Just so you lot can abuse each other
This is why i'm often cajoling, nudging, outright begging and open to bribery during the transfer window. It's when the most of you are about and our last big donation drive raised enough to cover costs for a couple of months or so.
Any excess raised stays in the pot until its needed when donations/income goes right down. Absolutely nothing goes on anything other than SC's running costs. Well, occasionally the odd prostitute.......
So, if you'd like to donate, here's the link.

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