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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2004
Gooner fans like to applauded the most mundane football, Odegaard passed the ball 20 yards backwards with no one around him and he gets a standing ovation?

Chris Finch

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2012
Gooner fans like to applauded the most mundane football, Odegaard passed the ball 20 yards backwards with no one around him and he gets a standing ovation?
Going to jinx it now but…I just don’t see it at all with Odegaard!
Hugely overrated


Jun 27, 2006
Hello Dave, thanks for coming to the Arsenal Ultras Open Day.

Dave - Hi, I heard there would be a free Lunch?
Tim - Yes Dave, Dwayne went down to Tesco and got some Dairy Lee Dunkers.
Dave - Cool its nearly midday /wink
Tim - Yes ok Dave. Now, why do you want to be an Arsenal Ultra?
Dave - Its raining outside and I was hungry and wet....this was the closest place that was open.
Alan Etherington-Smythe III - Ermm Tim, this isnt the hardass Rambo type of shit kicker we need in the Ultras!
Tim - Alan hang on, let Dave talk.
Dave - If I joined, is there free food? Possibly a Uniform? Will it interfere with my sitting in the high street and begging for money?
Tim - Maybe, Black Shirt (We can provide, remind me to send Dwayne down to Primark) and only if you do your begging around match times.
Dave - What will it entail exactly?
Alan Etherington-Smythe III - You get out there and kick the living shit out of all the other supporters. Also look well ard and mean GRRRR
Tim - Fuck sake Alan, there is more to us than that you know.
Dwayne - You wanted me?
Tim - Ah Dwayne, can you go to Primark and buy a black t for Dave?
Dwayne - I can, but Im telling you now they only have Queen Poppy ones from Trolls, the Rock one, film, thing.
Tim - He can just turn it inside out.
Dave - Anything else I should know?
Tim - You need to be a smelly unwashed prick.
Dave - Check.
Alan Eth... Alan - You need to bleed Arsenal, be prepared to die for the cause mate. You need to live and breathe violence!!
Tim - Alan, have you been sniffing glue again, you know what your Mum said she would do if she caught you huffing again.
Alan - She cant take it, its my Xbox.
Dave - Look guys, I get the feeling you are a bunch of twats. I think I saw you on the news looking and behaving like twats. Now where is my Dairy Lee Dunker.
Tim - Ok Dave, I dont think this is going to work out, you are just not hardcore and eloquent enough.
Dave - Fair Dinkum mate. I'm off to chuck another shrimp on the barbie.
Dwayne - Did anyone... he sounded Austr... nah nah, not possible.
Tim - Fuck me, we need to get a move on, they will kick us out the library soon. Who's next?
Alice - Alans Mum has just walked in, someone texted her about some glue sniffing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2006
I do not want to hear about lucky Spurs after that
It seems to me that they are the deflection masters - which points to a large amount of luck. I know that you make your own luck by shooting and creating those chances, but they seem to score a lot of deflections. More so than other teams that shoot a lot.

I have a gooner friend (I know...) and I commented on the amount of fluky deflections they got last season when they were doing well. It hasn't stopped.

If there are stats on deflected goals anywhere it would be interesting to see if it's just my bias (in which case I hold my hands up) or I'm right.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2012
Its funny to see Arsenal fans losing their heads... cant enjoying a win against City, in seeing us topping the table


Staying Alert
Mar 21, 2004
Iwobi monthly salary in Jan 2019, I worked it out as 60k a week gross


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2003
When are they going to put Lego head back in his box?
Even my 8 year old said about him standing on the pitch today, surely the fourth official must see it or is it a case of not wanting to upset him?
He just needs to start getting booked for it, why hasn’t anyone in the media picked up on it more?