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  • oh ok..I'm just baffled that what I thought was a PM convo with Moonie is public info.. IT is not a strong point !
    I you go through their profile and if you go through their profile and post there, it is public. To send a PM/Message you need to go through the email icon at the top of the page(it is on my phone) and then put in the users name and send the message that way.
    Cheers guys
    Hey man, why the spam rating, disagree by all means but its the lo Celso thread and it is my opinion. Nothing about that was spam.
    It looks like it could be one of two possible reasons.

    A) I decided to spam a random post deliberately, even though I have barely spammed a post ever and of every post on SC I chose yours.
    B) As I was scrolling through the Lo Celso thread, I accidentally spammed your post.

    I will remove the rating for you now so you can sleep easy again and let you work out whether it was A or B
    It was a simple question that required a simple answer. I think the lesson is... Be more careful.
    Seriously? I think the lesson is that grown men shouldn't get worked up about ratings on a football forum. I'll put you on ignore so that it doesn't happen again as that is easier than 'being more careful'.
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