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  • How can you 'disagree' with me wondering what would happen if Pochetino was offered a job with United/Chelsea etc?!!!! Hilarious.
    Because he's said he wants to build here and lead the team out in the new stadium. So I don't think he would be interested with other jobs until he's done that. So I don't agree with your comment. Sorry
    But I'm WONDERING what WOULD happen IF he was offered a post.....I'm not saying he'll leave! Anyway, glad to have him, he's really moved things on very quickly in a short space of time. COYS.
    Me too, he's a breath of fresh air after our latest round of managers. Cheers
    Ta for the rating. Always nice to see a new name. I was having a break from this wretched game that is modern football when you joined. A belated welcome aboard.
    Sorry, it's a photo of a plaque from an old steam locomotive from last century. I think the plaque is at WHL. LNER
    Now in Lincolnshire originated in Turnpike Lane. Started down the Lane in mid 50's. witnessed the best footballing team in the world.
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