They may well be worried about us, but I doubt a move for Willian has much to do with it. Sounds too much like a RAWK conspiracy to me. IF they want Willian they will be making the move as they think he can add something. Either way lets wait and see
Hopefully roman wakes up to kia's head in his bedFrankies "Fuck You" Friday.
Todays gonna get serious.
But how comes this allways allways happens to us?
Doesn't seem to happen on a regular basis at any other club
Joe Lewis will probably sack Levy over this. it has to be the final straw.
I would hope so.
It would be great to hear an update from him.
ALOT has happened since his late update.
I'm still prepared for the worst but what The Goat had to say did make me feel a teeny weeny bit better. TBH if I wasn't so sensible, handsome and well hung I might have gone ever so slightly potty.As A&C has said this mornings Goat update is good (because of the source) then I am feeling a bit more relaxed about this this morning.
This is the biggest joke of a post I've seen in my short time here.
that is right but Mikel had signed for the mancsI may be totally wrong, but wasn't there something similar with the Chavs when Man Utd had sealed a deal for Mikel. If memory serves the Chavs had to end up paying Utd a fee for the player as compo?
How is the Willian situation any of Levy's fault?
Surely Willian has chased the money long enough. With us he has a chance to be one of the main men in a World Cup year in his home nation, what more incentive does he need. Also he surely can see Chelsea dont truly want him as they would of bid a week a go this reeks of trying to spite us. Does he want to be used as a pawn in some mind games? Lets hope AVB can have a word
If they really had wanted him they would of moved earlier, not the eleventh hour. I think that's pretty obvious.
They only other explanation as its part of the plan to flush Rooney from United.
You've obviously not been into one of the match threads thenThis is the biggest joke of a post I've seen in my short time here.
If we assume that Levy has allowed us to be gazumped on Bale's replacement, yet proceeds to sell Bale late in the window anyway and replace him with a player the coach doesn't want, and who ill-suits his requirements a la Moutinho and Dembele/Dempsey and before that with Campbell/Pav, it will be his and Lewis's fault. John Henry knows better and he's been involved in football for 2 seasons.
Now it may be that we simply can't afford Willian's and Moutinho's within our own means, but the club will never get the commercial deals they want while ENIC engage in penny pinching.
But how comes this allways allways happens to us?
Doesn't seem to happen on a regular basis at any other club
Why would he do such a thing? We're trying our best to sign quality players. Not Levy's fault Chelsea are trying to steal the deal.Joe Lewis will probably sack Levy over this. it has to be the final straw.