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The Daily 'don't panic!' ITK Discussion Thread - 24th June 2012

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SC Supporter
Jun 1, 2011
Branson was knighted over 10 years ago I think.

Here's the answer to the 'new to palace' conundrum: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has appointed his half-brother, Prince Salman, 76, as the new heir apparent. The announcement followed the death of Crown Prince Naif on Saturday, the Saudi press agency reported, citing a royal decree. He has a beard too.

The team can kiss their forays to Faces goodbye then. THFC to become an alcohol free principality.


Linekers Balls
Oct 1, 2005
So the bearded Branson is looking to own a club maybe, but if his investment was to be as substantial as his one in F1, I'd tell him to **** off!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2003
so no word about Blanc now he's out of the Euros. Could it then be Dessaily we are waiting on, his first choice being the French job... if so we're in for a bit of an extended wait. Hopefully not Blanc after that poor tactical game against Spain. We need a manager who knows how to press teams, we haven't had one for god knows how long.


SC Supporter
Jul 14, 2008
so no word about Blanc now he's out of the Euros. Could it then be Dessaily we are waiting on, his first choice being the French job... if so we're in for a bit of an extended wait. Hopefully not Blanc after that poor tactical game against Spain. We need a manager who knows how to press teams, we haven't had one for god knows how long.
I hope to fuck you mean Deschamps mate and not Dessaily


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2011
I reckon it was a volley from last season......

Morning mate.

Thanks for the nudges in the right direction last night. Interesting.

I'm 100% certain uncle joe and our glorious chairman won't let us down whatever happens in the next 10 days


The only Spur in the village
Jul 17, 2008
Is it possible JJ is downplaying Akqayids info to protect the club from exposure, in the same way he has been holding on to sensetive info?

Also his comments on maybe knowing who Akqayids source is, means that JJ is definitely on the THFC payroll in one aspect or another.

Interesting times.


Butterfly chicken
Feb 20, 2006
Didn't Virgin sponsor Palace once upon a time?



didnt want to post an ian wright picture so went with former spur Andy Grey


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
Morning mate.

Thanks for the nudges in the right direction last night. Interesting.

I'm 100% certain uncle joe and our glorious chairman won't let us down whatever happens in the next 10 days
You're not really saying anything here mate! So did you get initials wrong? Are you agreeing with JJ? Are you sticking to ur original info? Go on. Elaborate a bit! We need clarification!!!!
Apr 25, 2012
The bullet is finally through the church: Jan Vertonghen leaves immediately to Tottenham Hotspur.
Dit meldde de NOS op de zaterdagavond.​
This was reported by the NIS on Saturday.
Met de transfer is een bedrag van twaalf miljoen euro gemoeid.​
The transfer is a sum of twelve million euros.
Dit betekent dat Ajax water bij de wijn heeft gedaan, de Amsterdamse ploeg vroeg aan het begin van de onderhandelingen een bedrag van vijftien miljoen.​
This means that Ajax water to the wine has done, the Amsterdam team asked at the beginning of negotiations, an amount of fifteen million.
De Belgische centrale verdediger moet zelf nog een akkoord bereiken met de Engelse club, maar gezien de welwillendheid van de international lijkt dit geen probleem te vormen.​
The Belgian central defender himself still reach an agreement with the English club, but given the goodwill of the international seems to be no problem.
Jan Vertonghen kwam in 2003 naar Amsterdam.​
Jan Vertonghen came to Amsterdam in 2003.
Hier speelde hij enkele jaren in de jeugdopleiding van Ajax.​
Here he played several years in the Ajax youth academy.
In het seizoen 2006/2007 haalde toenmalig trainer Henk ten Cate Vertonghen bij de eerste selectie.​
In the 2006/2007 season drew former coach Henk ten Cate Vertonghen in the initial selection.
De tweede seizoenshelft werd de Belg verhuurd aan RKC Waalwijk.​
The second half of the season was leased to the Belgian RKC Waalwijk.
Mede door blessures van collega's kwam Vertonghen in het volgende jaar in aanmerking voor een basisplaats.​
Partly due to injuries of colleagues came Vertonghen in the following year are eligible for a starting spot.
Onder leiding van trainer Frank de Boer bloeide de verdediger pas echt op.​
Under the guidance of coach Frank de Boer flourished defender really on.
Vertonghen speelde ruim 150 wedstrijden voor Ajax.​
Vertonghen played over 150 games for Ajax.
In zijn laatste seizoen voor de Amsterdammers scoorde de verdediger maar liefst tien keer.​
In his last season for Ajax defender scored no less than ten times.
Met Ajax legde Jan Vertonghen beslag op één KNVB Beker en hij werd de laatste twee seizoenen twee keer landskampioen.​
With Ajax, explained Jan Vertonghen seized a KNVB Cup and became the last two seasons, twice champion.
Ook op het persoonlijk gebied was de centrale verdediger erg succesvol bij Ajax.​
Also on the personal level the central defender was very successful at Ajax.
In 2008 werd hij verkozen tot Ajax Talent van het Jaar.​
In 2008 he was elected Ajax Talent of the Year.
Vier jaar later werd Vertonghen zelfs verkozen tot Ajax Speler van het Jaar.​
Four years later, Ajax Vertonghen even voted Player of the Year.
Datzelfde jaar won de Belgische international ook de Gouden Schoen, de prijs voor de beste voetballer van de Eredivisie.​
That same year he won the Golden Shoe Belgian international, the prize for best footballer of the Eredivisie.
De transfer van Vertonghen maakt de weg vrij voor Niklas Moisander.​
The transfer of Vertonghen paves the way for Niklas Moisander.
Ajax gaf al voor het daadwerkelijke vertrek van Vertonghen aan dat de verdediger van AZ de ideale opvolger was.​
Ajax gave before the actual departure of Vertonghen that the defender of AZ are the ideal successor.
Houd Ajax1 in de gaten voor al het nieuws rond Ajax-transfers.​
Ajax1 Keep an eye on all the news about Ajax transfers.

Jay The Yid

Active Member
Aug 18, 2010
Interesting about potential new investment.

I don't think we need billions upon billions to compete with City, Chelsea, united, and Arse.

We are pretty close as it is.

But If the new investor was able to fund the new stadium and increase our ability to pay the top wages for top players that would be perfect. Hopefully the FFP rules will then take care of the likes of City and Chelsea blowing everyone out of the water by paying truly obscene wages.

New owners/investors with a bit more clout.
A new stadium with our already built new training ground
A forward thinking manager

We will be in a very good position.
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