The ref was 5 meter from the situation, he just let it go, this ref is beyond a joke so farThe major decision is the VARs fault to be fair
Impossible and if that happens we will win the PL, CL, FA cup, Cara Cup and top that off with the general election……can you imagine Levy running the country! Economy would be the best ever! LolI never ever want to see an Arsenal or Liverpool fan complaining about referee decisions again. It’s been 27 minutes and we’ve already had worse decisions than either have had the entire season.
It’s not corruption. It’s just incompetence.Corrupt refereeing at its finest
They really are a team of dirty fuckers
@Cornpattbuck - since you saw fit to disagree:
Handball before scoring
The second change is on accidental handball in the immediate build-up to a goal.
If an attacking player’s accidental handball immediately precedes another player scoring, the goal will now be awarded, when last season it was likely to have been ruled out.
However, a player will still be penalised if he commits an accidental handball immediately before scoring himself.
What's new in 2021/22: Handball Law
Find out how Premier League referees will change the way they award handballs for the coming