If he’d at least left for a fee(we were offered £18 million from Leeds for example, huge money back then), it would’ve died down quickly but to lie, drag it out, then on a free go to our biggest rivals , unforgivable forever.I think if he had said when first asked that he was leaving that yes he was going, it would all have died down -it was the lying and saying "Why would I leave Spurs?" that did for him.
Yes he’s in the new sky documentary on it. Said Campbell and his agent lied and went into meetings with him nodding and saying nothing etcDid Alan Sugar ever share his views on this, either at the time or now? He seems to have an opinion on most things
Don't like Sugar and don't trust him but he would have been the one to see through the bullshit as he's from that industry. So I can belive Pleat and Graham being a bit naive with it.Yes he’s in the new sky documentary on it. Said Campbell and his agent lied and went into meetings with him nodding and saying nothing etc
It would genuinely have been funny if he wasn't the way he is about it.Stupid fucking ****
Continues to tell people it's time to move on and then does that. Must be hard up for a few quid seeing as he can't get a job in football.
Jelly and ice cream
Agreed- its actually quite a funny advert, but its very hypocritical from him, given how he bleats on about forgetting it happened.It would genuinely have been funny if he wasn't the way he is about it.