He had two huge saves, the Nunez one was definitely not easy, neither was the one he came out and blocked.I'll admit the sample size is small but it's incredible the difference having a confident, competent (with his feet) keeper behind our defenders makes. There was pretty obviously a nervousness about involving Forster but Kinsky's all about it. He looks fantastic. He didn't have to make any hugely difficult saves (that Nunez one was probably the best) but he just looks absolutely quality with his feet.
(yes, small sample size)
Like Allison did who is often regarded as one of the best in the worldLoved the debut and hope for the future. I just hope we don't raise our expectations too much too soon for him. Some of us seem to be looking for the second coming and when a player has that performance, think it will be forevermore. After watching him tonight, which was a splendid debut, i do expect he is going to get caught taking too much time on the ball as he gets up to speed with the EPL.
Really changed the entire vibe of our defence.Transformative.
The confidence he exudes is contagious.
He just sees the pitch so well - once our players get used to it - it completely alters how teams can press us.That dinked pass to the chest of the left-back is going to be his speciality.
He's got 5-6 weeks before Vic is back. A few more performances like today and Vic will return as the back up.Good perfectly healthy to have 2 top players in each position and absolutely ideal if the back up is younger as they will be pushing the more senior pro
Reminded me of prime Hoddle with his passing range tonightAs I was told. He is better with the ball than some outfield players.
Slavia, yeah no doubt.
Tottenham players? He may be better than some of ours too!!
I'm getting mixed messages.Didn't see the game, but based on (one game admittedly) tonight's performance, he looks better than Vicario. Has more presence.
That's the thing Vic won't hang around as the back up and rightly so. As good a keeper as I think he is, I've always questioned whether he fits how Ange wants to play. This kid might just be the difference that makes Anges philosophy actually click.I'm a bigger Vic fan than most but this kid feels special. Hopefully they can battle it out for at least another season.