I think a 10, and a young LB could be ok but at lcb they need to be ready to go experienced. The 6 has to be experienced top drawer and the winger too.Just out of curiosity, what positions do most think we still need to upgrade/invest in to get us to point where we are looking to seriously compete? Obviously taking into account Yang joining and players with contracts running low (Son, Davies, Forster, Regi and Werner all expiring next summer and Bentancur, Biss both expiring in 26). Would you renew any of those or move them all on?
Is the general consensus a LCB/LB, WF, DM and maybe another 10 would work or do you think more/less? Would you be happy to look at youth for any of those positions or would you hope/expect more established players in all of those roles? Obviously there is also the point of squad spaces so we would need to balance whoever comes in with exits.