I’ve loved Tobes for a long time but that interview on SSN after the Belgium game was awful. Clearly knew and didn’t seem to give a shit. Found it hard to watch.
Sorry guys, I’ve only just seen this! Too busy today burying @Rob’s dead body!
I’m not a shoe kinda girl @mattyspurs - that could have been my next holiday ??? or at least a months worth of gin supplies ?
Thank you! Means a lot! And we’re def a big family! Hell, I literally found my husband on here ? if it weren’t for Spurs and SC, I’d probably be some gin-soaked spinster living alone with 25 dogs ???
I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum in March, not to Cancer but that doesn’t make it any easier. She was only just 50 and I really struggled to come to terms with it. If you ever want a chat or a shoulder to cry on, drop me a PM. I’m also a primary school teacher so I’ll be thinking about...
I’ll be watching from the comfort of my sofa whilst Rob has swanned off to Japan on business!! Can’t believe we don’t get to watch it together! It might be better than our wedding day ???
A few of my friends have invited themselves over as I’ve got a new tv with built in disco lights(!!) and a...
I don't really understand what all the fuss is about here. I don't understand why this thread was started or indeed why it is continuing to drag on.
I also don't really see how people are disagreeing with SP? How is this even an argument?
For those without a grip on the English language, who...
I had no intention of banning him... and I wasn't getting strict with my modding, I was merely pointing out that my fiance isn't a thief, in response to a comment that could be misconstrued by some. It may well have been made as a tongue in cheek remark but some people saw fit to report the post...
That'd be the Scientific research council which he carried out his research for...
I don't know whether that comment was meant to be made in jest or not Kendall, but it's been flagged in the Mod forum and I personally don't find it funny at all.
We're grateful for all donations received on SC...
He was amazing last night. I watched a fair bit fo the athletics so far. She doesn't even look like he's going fast when you see him against the others, he must have a huge stride pattern going on!
Also, really proud of Jessica Ennis. She did fantastically in the heptathlon and fully deserves...
:-( Rob's the thief! He had obviously contemplated it otherwise he wouldn't have asked me!
Ohhh also whilst I'm here, Rob said you had some WWII memorabilia packs... Tell me more, it's my topic for the summer term. x
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