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  1. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    Good job we aint making a final then! ha :)
  2. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    Not having that myth about Anfield famous atmosphere! All the times I’ve been there….they only get loud when things go their way. Same as our stadium, it’s been rocking on our good days! Football across Europe seem to have got it right, fans sing from start to finish! Regardless if they’re...
  3. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    I don’t think it matters about when you renewed….I could be wrong? It’s more about when you got that form sent back in.
  4. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    Hoping to move from South Upper to South lower (Hopefully safe standing) What do you reckon the chances are?
  5. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    I moved from North to South stand just before the pandemic kick off, do you reckon I can get another move? Or will they be funny about me moving again? Wanna move lower down in the south stand, safe standing area hopefully.
  6. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    Agreed will be chaos I'm sure!
  7. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    Anyone else received a relocation call yet?!
  8. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    Hi what was the number? I missed two calls from random numbers this week. Will be gutted if it was the club!
  9. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    I believe they will be relocating after the initial season ticket renewal phase. So they know where the space is, will be surprised if they're moving people already. Unless they're filling up already vacant spaces.
  10. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    I believe there was a club consultation with fans about repositioning people and moving large groups into the south stand, but I’m not sure how far that got. I think that would make such a massive impact. As for the 1882 section right across the heart of the South Stand.....don’t get me started...
  11. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    That’s weird. I didn’t receive an email after filling out the application. Might phone up and double check it was actually received.
  12. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Renewal Thread (Read first post)

    How How likely do you reckon the relocation is?
  13. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    I'm currently sat between an 80 year old woman (bless her soul, kindest woman I've ever met) and a middle aged man with anger issues, not to mention two of my students from work sit a row in front of me (I'm a teacher). Not what I imaged when moving back home! :sorry: I need this relocation to...
  14. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    Did you not keep in contact with any of them? Now might be your chance to sit together again.
  15. Becks_THFC

    Season Ticket Relocations

    With many season ticket holders unhappy with current seats and relocations on the horizon, please share any information that you have or if you’ve been successful. I know the club have now opened up applications to be sent through, maximum group size of 6 (I believe).
  16. Becks_THFC

    New Stadium Details And Discussions

    You can have a client reference number and not be a member. My Mrs has one and we get the occasional ticket for her when games go on general sale.
  17. Becks_THFC

    North Upper - You? I say new....this was last season. So this is my second season!

    North Upper - You? I say new....this was last season. So this is my second season!
  18. Becks_THFC

    The 2018/19 UEFA Champions League: Road to Madrid.

    Same as a domestic league or cup game. Need to put in an application. It's looking like we'll have 5% of a 35k stadium. I'm in the same position as you, probably won't have enough loyalty points to get one from the club.
  19. Becks_THFC

    Real Madrid game

    Yes for seats that aren't your usual season ticket seat