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  • Just chuckling at your new avatar, which is odd since the last comment was from Dibbly, also admiring your tiny pic, but i feel compelled to say now;

    Small / far away.
    Dude, i see you locked it, but the pic - was worth it, right? :hump:

    Confuses me though, i've played scrabble like, a hundred times in my life - not once has it ever dissolved into hawt chicks in their pants deciding to square it up with a pillow fight...

    Can you make that happen for me, Mr Mod? I mean, i know they take your heart in exchange for your mod badge and all, but i've asked Santa but he laughed and flipped me the bird :cry:
    Cheers for seperating the threads fella, I can now post pictures of my pussies later wohoo! :dance:
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