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  • Thanks for yet more Spam ratings for no reason.
    Well apologies if I did, I don't remember doing so, I am happy to remove. I don't mind disagreements I just don't like getting negs with no reply.
    I have just removed my WTF rating from your post in the ratings v Swansea thread. Please remind me where I rated you spam so I can remove it and please remove my spam rating from the same thread.
    Don't worry mate, I'm not fussed, I just thought you had some kind of problem with me.

    No worries :)
    There is something going on because you are the second person today saying i did that when i never do !
    Please give me a link to your post and I will remove it. Maybe i have to ask admin what is going on . I never rate posts. I reply to them
    Hi Danny,

    I could say the same about you rating my post in the Willian thread "Dumb". All I did was provide some information on his ability as requested by another member. I rated your post Dumb because I feel you have overrated some players. For example Butland, who makes a howler every other game.
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